The Importance Of God's Word

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11

One of the ways we can equip ourselves for service to others is to hide God's Word in our hearts. Hiding God's Word means we store it up in our hearts. Perhaps it might be like taking vitamins and minerals to build up our immune system against diseases. We have to take them regularly in order for them to have an effect on our bodies.

The Psalmist goes on in the passage to tell us how we facilitate the process of hiding God's Word in our hearts.

  • vs 13 - With my lips I recount (rehearse) all the laws that come from Your mouth.  In other words, I repeat what I read over and over again to help me remember what God has said in His Word.
  • vs 14 -  I rejoice (exult) in following Your statues as one rejoices in great riches.  I am happy to obey Your Word - it is like being overjoyed because you are wealthy.
  • vs 15 - I meditate (ponder) on Your precepts and consider Your ways.  I contemplate all that I am learning about Your Word and Who You are.
  • vs 16 - I delight (savor) in Your decrees; I will not neglect Your word.  I take pleasure in reading the Word and it is not something I want to forget to do.

The more we hide God's Word in our hearts, the less we will be inclined toward sin and its tentacles.  And the more prepared we will be to serve others with a heart full of His principles and promises!