Do you believe it? Really?

Psalm 103:19 says, “The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His sovereignty rules over all.”  

ALL!!!! Do you believe it?

Thomas Cranmer (d. 1556), Arch Bishop of Canterbury, wrote short prayers more than 600 years ago which became part of the collects used in The Book of Common Prayer. One of those prayers is:

“Almighty and everlasting God, which dost govern all things in heaven and earth; mercifully hear the supplications of Thy people, and grant us Thy peace all the days of our life.”

Peace – an illusive commodity in grief. Anger. Confusion. Depression. Fear. These come easily. But – Peace?

Arch Bishop Cranmer has the audacity to ask God for it – not just in the moment, but “all the days of our life!” How can that be? Look at the beginning of the prayer – “…God, which dost GOVERN ALL things in heaven and earth…”

That’s where peace is found:  in believing that God is in control of everything; in trusting that the greatest heartache you have ever known is tenderly cradled in His Hands; in knowing that He governs in love, with purpose. ALL things.

If/when you believe and embrace Psalm 103:19, peace is possible. You are assured that NOTHING will enter your life without His touch, His permission, even His direction. When you think there is anything in your life that is removed from the governance of God, you rob yourself of peace.

There are so many circumstances that can leave you defeated and troubled if you don’t believe that God governs them all.

  • Relationships? He governs.

  • Health?  He governs.

  • Life and death? He governs.

Since He governs, you are provided the opportunity to rest, to find peace.