God's Flood Insurance

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. Isaiah 43:2

Recently we experienced an unexpected flood in my parents' home. As the waters rushed through the duct work from the top floor to the bottom floor of the house, we scurried to turn the water off. There was quite a mess to clean up and the task seemed daunting, but we all pitched in and the affected areas were cleaned up and allowed to dry for several days.

As fast as the water was flowing, it seemed like it would overtake the entire house if we didn't turn off the water. This makes me think of what it is like to serve others and to feel so overwhelmed by their needs that it seems like you are drowning. The above verse was meant to be an encourgement to anyone who feels weighed down by the circumstances that bring discouragement into our lives.

I would like to propose that we have the best flood insurance around! God assures us that He is with us, that whatever we are facing will not overcome us despite what it feels like at the time. He is not only with us, He will see us through to the end! What wonderful promises from His Word!

Think about a situation in your life or ministry that seems overwhelming right now.  Are you just trying to keep your head above water using your own strength? Have you tapped into God's flood insurance by reviewing His promises and resting in Him?

Be encouraged that God insures His care of you despite what you are facing in your life today!