Looking Ahead: Adjust Your Attitude

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. (Philippians 3:12)

Being realistic about where you are in life is an important dimension of goal-setting. Adjusting your attitude is another dimension of goal-setting and is truly difficult at times. Paul’s attitude was to “press on” to take hold of that for which Christ took hold of him. Looking at verses 7-8 in Phil. 3, we see that Paul recognized that all of the things he was and possessed in the flesh (vs. 4) were truly rubbish compared to what he had in knowing Christ. He was willing to move forward with the right attitude because he realized that what Christ had to offer was far better than anything he could have accomplished in his own strength.

Even though Paul’s life was not an easy one after his conversion on that road to Damascus, he pressed on in life toward his goal. He could have become discouraged early on with all that he encountered as he preached the Gospel.

Our life circumstances often don’t happen the way we think they should turn out. It is a challenge to maintain a God-focused attitude amidst difficulties and struggles. We have a tendency to allow our attitudes to be self-focused and that can distract us from moving forward in attaining our goals.

Question to think about: Reviewing Paul’s attitude of pressing on toward reaching his goal, what attitude adjustment do you need to make in your goal setting process and as you work to reach those goals in His strength?