Final Thoughts On Loneliness

Now that we have looked at the lessons Joseph learned in his pit, it's time to focus on what we might do to keep ourselves from falling into the pit of loneliness and if we are already there, what can help us deal with the loneliness we feel. First, we need to have a relationship with God! If you don't know Jesus as your Saviour, it might be hard to keep your focus on your relationship with God. God loves us so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins so that we could have eternal life with Him in heaven! So while we are here on earth, it is important for us to have and maintain that relationship with the Almighty Father!

Second, we need to fill our minds and hearts with the Word of God! Not just read it, but meditate on it, memorize it and apply it to our lives each day. There were many times that Joseph wanted to give up because he felt forgotten but God did not forget him and as he sat in prison for two years, perhaps he remembered the Words of God that were passed down through Adam!

Third, we need to pray! Ask God to help you with your lonely feelings. Tell Him how you feel, write out prayers to Him in a journal or speak them out loud or silently. Prayer changes things and though you may still be in the same circumstance, your heart can be refreshed as you communicate with God. Joseph certainly found that to be true!

Fourth, talk with a trusted friend, pastor or counselor about how you are feeling! They can help you by being a sounding board, listening, giving input, asking questions that will help you determine the cause of your loneliness and how you might formulate a plan of action.

Finally, focus on others! Take the time to reach out and do something for someone else. Part of my ministry in member care at H*VMI is encouraging our staff. I have so much fun in the summer writing notes of encouragement to our camp staff and picking out cards with messages and verses that I think they will like. I smile inside as I mail these cards because I am doing something for others. I have taken the focus off of my own needs and redirected it onto others' needs.

So...keep on top of your feelings of loneliness through maintaining your relationship with God, reading His Word, prayer, talking with someone you trust and focusing your energies on others.