Comfort Flows from One to Another

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.  (2 Cor. 1:3-4)

Have you ever been in pain, or sad, or discouraged because of circumstances in your life? Has anyone come along with a word that encouraged you? Probably yes to both questions.  In these verses, Paul tells us all to comfort others.  There is more here too:

  1. We all need to be comforted. Don’t think you are a spiritual weakling if you need encouragement sometimes.
  2. We all have received help from God.  Most often that help comes through a person.
  3. Each of us has something with which we can encourage another person.
  4. The encouragement can come from someone who hasn’t suffered what I am suffering, but who has experienced a different kind of difficulty. But there is something in the comfort they received then that can comfort, encourage and strengthen you now. So listen to others who share their comfort.
  5. You can’t be in a situation that is impossible for God’s comfort to make a difference. He is the GOD of ALL comfort.
  6. God, the Father of Jesus Christ, has a great imagination to initiate comfort to you since He is the FATHER, the source, the initiator, of compassion.

So, whether you are in need of comfort or have been comforted (and that describes each of us every day, or at least every week) you need to be on the look out. Looking for His comfort coming to you and looking for those around you who could use a little of that comfort too. Give them some of the comfort you have received.