And Mary said, "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant."  (Lk. 1:46-48a)

I have been thinking about what Mary, the mother of Jesus, must have gone through as she was approached by the angel of the Lord with the message that she would become the mother of the Son of God! What was her perspective as she pondered these things?

P -  It was evident that the birth of Jesus became a Priority in her life as she planned along with Joseph for His coming.

E -  The Expectation of what would happen that quiet night of His birth must have been overwhelming.

R -  The Relevance of being pregnant when she was not even married must have increased her faith in God.

S -  It caused her to Speculate as to how it would all work out.

P -  At first she was taken back by the angel's proclamation until she could clearly see God's Purpose in Christ's coming.

E -  Her Expression of gratitude came forth as she rejoiced in God her Savior.

C -  As the time grew near for her to bear her child, she must have Contemplated what it would be like especially as they traveled the long road to Bethlehem.

T -  The Truth of the matter was that her Son was born to die for the sin of the world so we could have forgiveness and eternal life in heaven.

I -  Mary may have begun to grasp the Importance of Jesus' coming as the angels, shepherds, wise men and others came to worship the King.

V -  She Valued every moment she spent with her Son, even to His death on the cross.

E -  What a wonderful Experience this was for Mary as it can be for each of us who accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior!

May Mary's PERPECTIVE remind you of your relationship with Jesus this Christmas season! Wishing you a wonderful celebration of His birth and a blessed New Year!