Christmas Blessings

As I read the Christmas story in Luke 1 -2 and Matthew 1-2, I am amazed at all of the Christmas blessings that appear in the text. For instance:

  • The blessing of the angel appearing to Mary, revealing what was about to happen
  • The blessing that Mary had a place to go as she stayed with her relative Elizabeth
  • The blessing of Mary's song as she proclaims "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior."
  • The blessing of an understanding and compassionate fiancé, Joseph
  • The blessing of the shelter that God provided for the baby to be born
  • The blessing of Jesus' birth
  • The blessing of the heavenly host that appeared to the shepherds
  • The blessing of the shepherds as they gathered to worship the King
  • The blessing of the Magi who bowed before the child and presented their gifts
  • The blessing of praising God for the sending of His precious Son, Jesus Christ

I am sure that there are many other blessings that can be seen in these passages. I  encourage you to take a moment to read the Christmas story and to reflect not only on the coming of our Savior but also the gift of salvation that has been offered to us all through the love and grace of our Heavenly Father.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11