A New Perspective

Six months after our daughter Crystal’s death, her husband Dave told me he had made a little progress in his grief with the coming of the New Year. He said he was able to move on some. Then he made this observation: “To move on didn’t mean I packed up my memories of Crystal and then looked back at them as I moved forward. Instead, I packed up the memories and took them with me as I began to move ahead.”

Soon after that Dave sent me the following poem.

A New Perspective - By Dave Kline
March 4, 2006
I never knew how short life was, the end is always near,
But I have a new perspective now, its all so very clear.
Each day I have, every hour I live, is so precious and so dear.
For I have a new perspective now, it’s all so very clear.
Robin and Jeff I watch grow big, and toward God I guide and steer.
Since I have this new perspective now, it’s all so very clear.
Raise them up to live their lives with all the proper gear,
For I have a new perspective now, it’s all so very clear.
Do my best with what I have, and with God I need not fear.
I have this new perspective now, and it’s all so very clear.
Spend time with my friends, my family, and kids while we’re all still here.
Since I have this new perspective now, it’s all so very clear.
No more worries about earthly things, for Heaven has no peer.
I have this new perspective now, it’s all so very clear.
And I’ll keep going, and the kids will too, never turning toward the rear.
For we have a new perspective now, it’s all so very clear.
Always moving toward the endless Son, tho’ the days may be dark and drear.
That’s from our new perspective now, it’s all so very clear.
The kids will grow, but I’ll grow too, older by the year.
With our new perspective now, it’s all so very clear.
I hope one day to have new little ones to guide, as grandchildren they appear.
I’ll show them my new perspective then, I’ll make it so very clear.
But a day will come eventually, when I’ll shed no earthly tear.
I’ll have a new perspective then, it’ll all be very clear.
I’ll be with Him, and see her too; we’ll all be very near,
For I’ll have the best perspective then, it’s all so Crystal clear.


Blessings to you on your journey of grief.