Sunshine After Rain

Bill and Gloria Gaither have written many songs that touch human experience, especially as it relates to how God interacts with us. The verse below is from their song, “Joy Comes in The Morning

 “If you’ve knelt beside the rubble of an aching broken heart

When the things you gave your life to fell apart

You’re not the first to be acquainted with sorrow, grief or pain

But the Master promised sunshine after rain.”

If you have experienced the death of a child you can identify with “the rubble of an aching broken heart.”

Most likely you have also felt at least a part of your life was falling apart.  All of these emotions or experiences are part of the human condition.  That verse goes on to remind us that we are “not the first to be acquainted with sorrow, grief or pain.” How true that is.

We can trace that back to the very first parents, Adam and Eve.  Their first born son, Cain, killed their second born son, Able. Adam and Eve had to deal with the grief of losing a son but also the pain of having their other son be the murderer of his brother.

BASIS exists because parents still “kneel beside the rubble of an aching broken heart.” My wife and I have knelt with broken hearts that seemed like the rubble, or broken pieces of our hearts could never mend. Broken hearts can mend but never without a scar, but scars are a testament of healing.

Jesus was crucified and buried in a tomb and then rose from the dead, but even after His resurrection He still had the scars.

The last line of the verse above says the “the Master promised sunshine after rain.”  Last night we had snow and high wind, but today the sun is shining.  Years after the death of our daughter, Crystal, our hearts still ache, but we have also experienced some joys…the joys of family and friends, of laughter and fellowship, of comfort and comforting.

We don’t get over our sorrow and grief, but we are able to journey through it with the help of God, family and friends. 

In the chorus of the song referred to above it admonishes us to, “Hold on my child, joy comes in the morning.  Weeping only lasts for the night.”  In this life, that night continues off and on; but for the one who has the abiding presence of the Lord in his or her life we can hold on until that night is finally over and the dawn of a new day, an everlasting day where there is no darkness, no sorrow, no pain breaks forth in all its brilliance and glory.

At BASIS we count it a privilege to walk with you through your journey of grief.