Handi*Camp relies on the support of our friends and ministry partners to make this program happen - and to be a blessing to our campers. Below are brief descriptions of ways you can help. If you would like additional information, please complete the PARTNER REPLY FORM at the bottom of this page. THANK YOU!
COOK: Provide an evening meal for our summer staff after campers leave and before staff returns to host families.
GIVE: Help underwrite the cost of camp. We do not charge for Day Camp since some families travel from out of town and need to pay for the expense of a hotel while their child is at camp. However, there are significant costs involved including tent rental, materials, and summer staff salaries—averaging approximately $300 per camper. Your gift of any amount will help toward meeting the need. CLICK HERE to give now.
HOST: Provide a “home away from home” for a summer staff member for one or more weeks of camp.
PRAY: Sign up to pray for a specific camper during his or her time at camp. You will receive prayer requests prior to camp; and a follow up note and picture after camp.
SERVE: Young adults (16+) through adults in their 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and older minister to campers as a volunteer or paid buddy/counselor, support staffer, or assistant nurse. Orientation training is provided/required. Contact us or CLICK HERE.
SHOP: Purchase supplies or organize a supply drive. CLICK HERE to access list now.