Scrapbook Photos

Pictures of newborns, parties, graduations, family get-togethers and vacation trips are a few of the photo opportunities we love to share with others. All are filled with smiling people, enjoying the moment and making memories to enjoy in the future.

As you and I know, life isn’t all happy occasions. It also carries events that cause grief and  heartache. There is a word picture of those emotions distinctly and painfully drawn for us in Isaiah 53:  

Vs. 3 “He was despised and forsaken of men,
A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief;
And like one from whom men hide their face
He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.”

Vs 4 “…smitten of God, and afflicted…”

Vs 5 “…pierced through, crushed, scourged…”

Vs 7 “…oppressed…”

Vs 8 “…cut off out of the land of the living…”

Vs 9 “…His grave assigned with wicked men…”

Can you just see the agony on His face and the hurt in His heart? Of course, these verses and this picture are speaking of Jesus, the Incarnate God, the Creator. As you look at Him, realize  your own heartache was unbidden, certainly unwanted, but His was purposeful, so He could save us from having to personally experience the punishment for our own sins.

Does all this encourage you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE? He’s awake with you during your sleepless nights. He tenderly puts His arms around your shoulder when you’re in a group of well-meaning friends who say the wrong thing, causing you more pain. He weeps with you. He invites you to share your grief with Him for one very important reason: HE LOVES YOU. He understands your hurt like no other does. He invites you to cast your every care upon Him out of that love and understanding.

Look at the picture again. Can you see, through the horror He experienced, a peace that passes all understanding – just like YOU can experience in your heartache?!