God is Our Rock

Does the Lord ever bring to your attention a word or an idea, and you keep being reminded of it?  Sometimes He does that to me. Recently in my devotional time, 1 Samuel 2:2 caught my attention.

"No one is holy like the Lord, for there is none besides You, nor is there any rock like our God."

What catches your attention in that verse?  For me, it was "nor is there any rock like our God"! Those words are in a worship song that we sing at church but I did not realize that the words were directly from God's Word! I know that I had read the prayer of Hannah before but did not remember that she used those words.  God kept reminding me of that concept. The children in our Sunday school worship time are also singing the song "Jesus is the Rock".  God IS our Rock!  David said "the Lord is my rock" (2 Samuel 22:2) and "who is a rock, except our God" (2 Samuel 22:32). There is no Rock except God. 

Can you remember times in your life when it was only the solid rock, Jesus, who kept your feet firm?  Perhaps when your child died; your marriage failed; you suffered from depression; you or a loved one faced imprisonment; your child was born with a disability; even the everyday busyness of life & life with children!

Even when all around us seems to be falling apart, God is the foundation, the rock, that keeps us. At times in my life when I have had struggles, it has only been having Jesus as my solid foundation that has kept me from despair.  In our times today, it may be difficult to wonder what is happening.  But HE IS THE ROCK!   2 Samuel 22:47 "The Lord lives! Blessed be my Rock! Let God be exalted. The Rock of my salvation!"  

Can you think of a time in your life recently when you had struggles?  Did you find Jesus, the Rock, to be helpful to you at that time?  Have you ever depended upon something else or someone else to be your rock?  Did that fail you?