Give With All Your Heart

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,  Colossians 3:23

As Thanksgiving Day approaches and our families gather to celebrate with the traditional turkey dinner, we often get warm feelings inside of appreciation for those cooking the meal because they have poured love into their preparations. They have given from the heart as they fussed over every last detail!

What if you and I would give from the heart as we pour our love into those we serve and encourage? What might that look like in our lives and ministries?

Commitment to serving others does not mean just giving what we might have left over but it does mean giving from our very being because we are not doing this to please others but to please God. His love motivates us as we give of our time and talent to encourage and walk alongside those who need His touch.

As you gather with your family this Thanksgiving, don't forget to thank those who gave with all of their hearts to prepare the meal and thank the Lord for His love that spurs us on in life and ministry.