Facing the Holidays and Your Grief

  • Realize that the holidays can be difficult.
  • Remember to mention your loved one’s name.
  • Reminisce with a friend some memories of the special person in your celebrations.
  • Rest when you can.
  • Read about how others face grief and the holidays.
  • Resist the pressure to say “yes” to every social event or the temptation to avoid any social gatherings.
  • Relinquish some of your past traditions and be willing to create some new ones.
  • Reach out to other grieving persons.
  • Receive comfort from others.
  • Reconcile with anyone you may have broken fellowship with.
  • Recount your blessings.
  • Release your heartache to the God of HOPE because He cares for you.
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”