Extreme Weather Conditions

Today’s national weather map showed record-breaking spring high temperatures as well as record- breaking low temperatures and record-breaking late spring snows in the Rockies and upper Midwest. There were rains and floods expected to break records too. The weather was extreme all across our continent. I have been pondering some thoughts about extreme circumstances relative to grief. Here are 2 scripture passages:

When you pass through the waters,     I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers,     they will not sweep over you… For I am the Lord your God,… 

Do not be afraid, for I am with you;    Isaiah 43:2-3, 5

…he leads me beside quiet waters, Psalm 23: 2

Our Lord, who is our Shepherd, says He will be with us protecting us whether the waters are still and peaceful or flooding and stormy. He is there no matter what the extreme conditions of weather. He is also there with you in your grief no matter what the circumstances; whether grief is taking you to stormy places that seem out of control, or if, for a while, you feel some measure of peace. He is with you. And He will not let the circumstances destroy you or overwhelm you. They might test you deeply, but not destroy you. Since He promises He is with us at both extremes, I think we can extrapolate that He is with us in all circumstances, even in the middle.

Why is He there? What is His plan? David the psalmist wrote:

…he refreshes my soul. Psalm 23: 3

He was able to say that after coming through the valley of the shadow. For those of us still in the valley, let’s take it as a promise even it we can’t see it as reality – yet. I believe God keeps His promises. He is working in you and for you to refresh you soul. Peace be to you.