A Memory Box

Every few blogs I try to share an activity that you can do with your children. A Memory Box is an activity that you can do as a family or as an individual. Get a box, a shoe box (you can cover it with paper) or a craft box available at any craft store. Have a variety of craft supplies that include: stickers

letter stickers

construction paper



model magic or clay

glue or glue sticks

Decorate the outside of the box with the person's name who died and words that describe that person for example: Loving Father, Fun, Hard Worker, etc.

Now get creative and think of the memories you shared with this person. It could be anything! Did you go sledding with this person in which you laughed so hard your stomach hurt? Great. Make a sled out of construction paper or clay and put it in the memory box. It doesn't have to be perfect. It's about the process. If you are doing this activity as a family work together, share thoughts, share memories it may bring a smile to someone's face and it may bring tears as well. Let them flow.

May this time together be filled with fond memories of your loved one and may you feel our Heavenly Father's presence and comfort.