Journey Through Grief - A Help For People In Pain Seminar

This seminar will provide tools and help for those who are grieving or experiencing loss such as death, divorce, finances, or health, as well as give insights and practical wisdom regarding how to help others who are grieving.

CONTACT US to learn more about scheduling this seminar for your church or group.

Booklet: Healing Hearts - Grieving Well When Your Heart Hurts

This booklet was written by Kathy Sheetz, wife of the Founder of H*VMI. It is written to support you those who may be hurting because of a challenge in their own life, or for those who desire to know how to help someone who is hurting.

Excerpt: “We face so many significant losses, challenges and disappointments in our lives. Many of them can’t be ‘fixed’ until the day when all tears are wiped away (Revelation 21:4): the disease or disability may be incurable; the injustice may not be remedied in this lifetime; our loved one has died. And so, we grieve. When we are grieving, we can fix our eyes, our hearts, our minds, our focus and our attention on these things that cannot be reclaimed—or—we can fix them on the One Who can hold us and keep us until ‘that day!’ … In your profound heartache, even as you grieve, fix your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith! You’ll not only survive your grief—you’ll thrive in ways you can’t even imagine now!”

CareNotes Booklets:

We have a wide variety of booklets available. General topics are listed below. CONTACT US and we will send booklet(s) appropriate to your need.

  • Celebrating Holidays Now

  • How To Remember Your Child

  • Grief Techniques and Tips

  • Miscarriage or Grieving the Loss of A Baby

  • Taking the Time To Grieve

  • Faith and Grief

  • Suicide Loss

  • Overdose Loss

Books/Books by Parents:

  • If God is So Good, Why Do I Hurt So Bad? by David Biebel

  • Jonathan, You Left Too Soon by David Biebel

  • Keeper of the Stars, Healer of Hurting Hearts by various bereaved parents

  • Promesas de Esperanza para Corazones Quebrantados [Spanish version]

The above listed resources are provided at no cost. Request materials ONLINE or PRINT A RESOURCE REQUEST FORM to mail to the BASIS office. If you would like to make a donation to the BASIS ministry, it is appreciated.

Recommended for children/teens:

PDF Resource Files. Contact us if you would like further assistance in this area of ministry.

Recommended Reading:

  • What Is Heaven Like? by Beverly Lewis

For any child who is coming to terms with the loss of a loved one, or even those young ones who are simply curious, What Is Heaven Like? poignantly addresses the questions kids ask most often.

  • What’s Heaven? by Maria Shriver

This book, for people of all faiths, is a starting point for parents who must talk about the difficult topic of death with their children. What's Heaven? is the story of Kate, a little girl whose great-grandma has just died. She seeks answers, and her mother helps her learn about Heaven.

  • When Good-Bye is Forever by Lois Rock

A simple, colorful book that may be helpful to read to young children before attending a funeral to say goodbye. It talks about different goodbyes we experience throughout life. The book ends with how one day we will be reunited with our loved ones in Heaven.

  • My Heart Is Sad by Connie S. Owens

This detailed book walks along side a boy who’s grandma dies. It talks about the sadness the family feels as well as the funeral. It does a great job of explaining how the body stops working when someone dies, which can be helpful to children before attending a funeral. The book also mentions how one day loved ones will be reunited in Heaven.

  • Sad Isn’t Bad by Michaelene Mundy

Loaded with positive, life-affirming advice for coping with loss as a child, this guide tells children what they need to know after a loss-that the world is still safe; life is good; and hurting hearts do mend.

  • I Miss You, A First Look at Death by Pat Thomas

When a close friend or family member dies, it can be difficult for children to express their feelings. This book helps boys and girls understand that death is a natural complement to life, and that grief and a sense of loss are normal feelings for them to have following a loved one's death.

  • The Invisible String by Patrice Karst

Specifically written to address children's fear of being apart from the ones they love, The Invisible String delivers a message that though we may be separated from the ones we care for, whether through anger, or distance or even death, love is the unending connection that binds us all.

  • Lifetimes by Bryann Mellonie and Rober Ingpen

Lifetimes is a moving book for children of all ages, even parents too. It lets us explain life and death in a sensitive, caring, beautiful way. Lifetimes tells us about beginnings. And about endings. And about living in between. With large, wonderful illustrations, it tells about plants. About animals. About people. It tells that dying is as much a part of living as being born. It helps us to remember. It helps us to understand.

  • Badger’s Parting Gifts by Susan Varley

Badger's friends are sad when he dies but treasure the memories he left them. This book talks about the lessons Badger left his friends and ways how his friends now will remember the impact he had on their lives.

  • Something Happened: A Book for Children and Parents who have Experienced Pregnancy Loss by Cathy Blanford

This book addresses the sadness that a child experiences when an anticipated baby has died. The child’s fears and feelings of guilt are addressed as well as other confusing feelings.

  • We Were Going to Have a Baby, But We Had an Angel Instead by Pat Schwiebert

This book helps children cope with a prenatal death or stillbirth. The narrator briefly recalls how he had looked forward to having a sibling, imagining the two of them "building a fort and playing tricks on our parents," and recalling how he had loved listening to the baby inside his mother. "But something happened, the baby died. Our baby is not going to live with us."

  • Remembering our Baby: A Workbook for Brothers and Sister Who’s Sibling Died Before Birth by Patti Keough

This is a workbook that begins with the family finding out about the death. It includes questions and things to do to remember the baby.