
PRAISE the Lord:

  • that 2023 is H*VMI’s FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY! How gracious our God is to begin and develop this ministry over these 50 years. Praise Him with us for all HE has done!

  • for the excitement that is more than we can possibly express in written – or even spoken – words concerning what we’re seeing happen on the H*VMI Property! As of the morning of May 1, the four office walls are up! Prior to this, the building pad was completed; footers were installed for the H*VMI office; plumbers and electricians ran conduit and pipes; and the office floor slab was poured. Elsewhere on the property, trees were planted in the floodplain to help control storm water and bring beauty to the property and shade for walking paths and activities; and parking lots and driveways were “rocked in.” We can so much more easily visualize what we’ve been dreaming of and praying for over many of H*VMI’s 50 years!!

  • for the overwhelming response to our requests for Handi*Camp staff housing, meals and supplies.

Please PRAY:

  • for God’s supply of the finances needed to continue and complete construction on the H*VMI Property. WE NEED THOSE BUILDINGS. Our project manager has said that, as God supplies the funds, he will see to it that the buildings are constructed. The “bridge” between our need and the provision is PRAYER!!! Thank you for being part of the bridge.

  • that we have enough camp staff to be able to accept all who wish to attend Handi*Camp Day Camp 2023. We’re thankful for SO MANY NEW HANDI*CAMP APPLICANTS. That’s a praise BUT it needs prayer to accompany it.

  • for all the preparation underway for Handi*Camp, including processing camper and staff applications; writing curriculum; and organizing activities.