Going The Distance

but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.  Isaiah 40:31

Have you ever gone on a long hike where you became so fatigued that you thought your legs and feet wouldn't carry you any further?

When I was a Girl Scout, I needed to take a long walk to earn a hiking badge. My friend and I set out for a seven mile roundtrip hike to a favorite ice cream restaurant.  We were really tired when we arrived at the ice cream place. It was discouraging because we were only half way through our hike, which meant we still had to walk another 3.5 miles to get back home!

Going the distance isn't easy. God is the One who renews our strength especially when we feel so overwhelmed by our responsibilities and ministries that we can't go on. God is the One who gives us the grace to carry the load so that we will not be fatigued and so His purpose will be fulfilled in our lives.

Caring for others, ministering to others and helping others is a journey that we are on together with Him. So the next time you sense that you are about to faint, remember that He is walking right beside you, replenishing your strength and helping you to go the distance!

The rest of the hiking story... we rested, bought some ice cream, drank some water and headed home with renewed energy. And yes, I earned my hiking badge!