God is in the Details

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?  Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's care.  And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  (Matt. 10:29)

If you were to list your favorite snack foods would Pepperidge Farm Goldfish crackers make it on the list?  I know these crunchy little fish shaped crackers would make it onto the snack list of many toddler and preschool age children.  In fact just the other day while I was taking care of two year old twin boys they both asked me for some of these Goldfish crackers.  Did you know that these Goldfish crackers now come in four different colors?  When I gave each child some of these colored Goldfish crackers I neglected to make sure they each got some "green" Goldfish.  Upon their request I went fishing back into the container for some "green" Goldfish.  Later that day I came across an advertisement for these colored Goldfish crackers that read, "God is in the details."  Those words really caught my attention.  When I looked closer and read more slowly I realized the add said, "Good is in the details."  Pepperidge Farm is right.  There is good in the details of their crackers like the fish shape with an eye and a mouth, the colors from natural sources and the real cheese they use.  All of which my little friends have discovered and take great delight in.  But I was also right when I misread their advertisement.  GOD IS IN THE DETAILS.  Matthew 10:30 tells us that God even knows how many hairs are on our heads.  Isn't it comforting to know that our God is intimately acquainted with the details of our lives? Every single detail that concerns you concerns God.  We have a God who cares about everything. Are there any details of your life that you have neglected to bring before God in prayer because you have assumed that they were too small?  You might want to grab a handful of those Pepperidge Farm Goldfish colored crackers so you can taste and experience the good in the details for yourself.  As you are munching away take some time to talk with God about the details of your life and the concerns of your heart. Remember, God cares about it ALL, not just if it's big but also if it's small.