Looking Ahead: Get Moving

  I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14)

We are realistic that we have not arrived, we have the right God-focused attitude and we have gained an understanding of how our past connects with our present and realize this is a process. Now it is time to get moving toward our goals.

In verse 14, Paul desires to advance toward the goal to win the prize of living eternally with Christ by pressing on! Sometimes, “pressing on” means just plodding along at an even pace. The important thing that Paul shares here is that we need to keep moving forward toward the prize. If a marathon runner would race with all of his gusto, he would soon run out of steam. A marathon runner usually paces himself so he has enough stamina to complete the race.

As we look forward to the day we shall see Him face to face, God desires that we each shed the fleshly things that bog us down so we can become more like Him, experiencing His power and righteousness. Paul wants us to be consistent in our approach to our God-given goals. Sometimes that means we evaluate our progress and we may need to change some things.

Question to think about: What steps are you taking that will move you toward God’s goals for you?