Thank you for partnering with us through prayer.


  • We are thankful for the BASIS Breakfast on April 27th. We welcomed about 70 guests. The food was delicious, the fellowship sweet and our speaker, Ron Schmidt, was so encouraging.

  • Getting ready for events like the BASIS Breakfast and now this summer’s Handi*Camp Day Camp, along with all the day-to-day administrative operations of H*VMI, has a totally different “feel” as we prepare from our beautiful office building on our very own property. God is so gracious to provide the land and our first building on it. We are using and enjoying it to the max!


  • Preparation for camp has so many layers to it, from recruiting staff and registering campers to planning curriculum and activities, to completing some projects on the property that will enhance the program for our campers (swing sets, fences, ramps, bridges, a fire-pit and basketball hoops). Camp Staff Orientation begins May 31 and our first campers arrive June 3. Pray for time, energy and wisdom to do all that needs to be done!

  • God’s supply of what we need to complete all the buildings on the H*VMI Property. We’ve come this far by His provision alone, and we believe He’ll finish what He started. He uses His people to accomplish His plans - and that begins with prayer.